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Thursday Tips: Exporting Your Content for Vertical Video

Thursday Tips: Exporting Your Content for Vertical Video

So, after you’ve finished creating a video, you’ll want to share that content on your social media. But before you hit export, we have a few tips that might come in handy. Check out today’s Thursday Tips to find out!

For this week’s Thursday Tips, we’re talking about vertical video, and this problem recently came up with a client. They had great videos that were all horizontal, but they wanted to export them into a vertical format so that they could use them on Instagram Reels. Well, that’s a great way to use your content, but there’s something you have to think about. You can’t just straight export it as vertical because you can cut off a key part of the video. For instance, in this video of a little boy and his dog, if we exported it straight to vertical, you won’t see the boy and his dog. So when we now edit it, we have to move the shot so you’ll see it pan from the dog to the boy to get everything in that vertical video. So it’s something to keep in mind when you’re converting from horizontal to vertical. It’s not just an easy export. You really have to look at shot by shot to make sure your subject is still in frame.