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Thursday Tips: Get More Views with Custom Video Cover Art

Thursday Tips: Get More Views with Custom Video Cover Art

If you‘re looking to get more views for your online video, add a custom thumbnail to it. Creating a custom image for your video is important. In this video, we’ll explain what a thumbnail is and why you need one.


Are you a bookstore browser? You go into the store, and you look at the books, and you pick it based on the cover? When an author finishes the book, they don’t just find it in an ugly plain cover. They work with designers to create an image that attracts you.

Video is the same way. Your cover is actually called the thumbnail. That’s that still image that you see before you push play on a video. Thumbnails can be automatically created when you upload your video. And the problem with that is it may choose a frame with an unflattering face or an image that really doesn’t tell anything about your video.

That’s why you get to create custom thumbnails, and it’s an important part of the video production step. When you’re finished with the video, make sure you create a custom thumbnail. Make it attractive, colorful. Tell the viewers what they’re going to see or learn when they watch your video.

Another tip? Every platform has different thumbnail sizes, so you can’t just create one and be done. For instance, on our Thursday tips, we create three different sizes– one that we use for LinkedIn, YouTube, and Vimeo, a second we use for Facebook, and a third for Instagram. You’ve done all that work in your video. Don’t forget to create that cover.