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Thursday Tips: Making a Shot List

Thursday Tips: Making a Shot List

In today’s video, we’re talking about the importance of creating a shot list during the pre-production phase before your shoot. Planning out your shots in advance is a surefire way to stay organized and focused on what you need to record for your video project. Watch it now!


One of the things that we talk about is the importance of pre-production. And during that process, you really need to think through the video that you’re creating. What is it going to sound like and what is it going to look like? What is that story that you’re going to tell? And once all of that information, then you want to create a shot sheet. It’s extremely important to think through all of the elements that you need to show visually. Write them down, take them on your shoot, and that way you can cross one by one off the list as you get it.

Now it doesn’t need to be these are the only things that you’re going to shoot. You still want to be watching around in your environment to catch some things you may not have thought of. But having a shot sheet will make sure you get what you need and you don’t forget anything.