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Thursday Tips: Production Toolkit Items

Thursday Tips: Production Toolkit Items

From harsh light to shadows, there are a few challenges to keep in mind when you’re shooting video outside. Here are some of the production tools we use to make sure we’re getting the most out of every shot. Learn more about them in today’s Thursday Tips.


When we’re shooting videos outside, we have a couple of tools that we’d like to keep in our tool kit and one is called a reflector. It has the sun bounce off the object onto my face to help even out my face. We’re using it right now. But watch what happens when we remove the reflector. You can see how dark I am. Now, let’s put it back on. And you can see it brightens up my face and I can really feel it and tell when it’s on and off.

This is just one tool, let us show you one more. Now, we’re using what’s called a diffuser. It helps me stay evenly lit. Watch what happens. We’re using it now and now we’re not. And sometimes, you just get lucky– a cloudy day is nature’s best diffuser.