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Thursday Tips: Top 5 Questions

Thursday Tips: Top 5 Questions

 On today’s Thursday Tips, we’re answering some videography questions from one of our followers! 



On this week’s Thursday Tips, we’re answering questions asked by you. Subbu Venkat wanted to know our top five challenges when working on a video shoot. So here we go. Number one, noise. Despite scouting a location and well intentions, you can’t control the noise unless you’re in a soundproof studio. We can’t control when the lawn crew starts, when the airlines switch their flight patterns, to when the AC comes on and off.

Number two, location. White walls and tiny spaces are not ideal. Often, a client thinks a small, plain conference room will work great. But there’s not enough room for all of our equipment, and a white wall is ugly. Number three, time. When someone is trying to reduce a project price, they often say, oh, on this shoot, you can get it done in an hour. Well, with our 30 plus years of experience, we know how long it takes to shoot, and it rarely is as short as the client thinks.

Number four, not having your environment prepared. This can be not having the space cleaned, to not having proprietary information on the computer screens or the walls. And number five, flexibility. Just like we have to be flexible so does the client. You can’t control everything in a video shoot. And so in being able to pivot and shoot in a different order or a different location is important for everyone. Want to know more Thursday Tips? Leave us a comment, and we’ll answer those in the coming weeks.