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Thursday Tips: Using AI for Your Video

Thursday Tips: Using AI for Your Video

In today’s tips, we’re talking about using the power of AI in your video while staying true to your story.


AI is the biggest buzz right now. Marketers, business owners, and employees are testing new platforms to see how it can help them with their work. And we’re doing the same. We tested an AI video editing platform. All it did was ask us for a URL. And we put in a URL to one of our blogs. Within a few minutes, a fully edited video was done. Certainly, that’s impressive.

The AI platform pulled stock images and created graphics based on the words in our blog. Was it anything special or unique? No. We also tested some writing platforms. Again, the content was decent, but it was missing a key element. And that’s personalization.

AI can’t tell your personal story unless you give it those details. AI can’t create a video that showcases how your services benefit your customers. AI can’t create a video that shows how your organization impacts a person’s life. We all remember the stories we hear. Use AI to make your life easier, but make sure you keep telling your stories.