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Thursday Tips: Using Audio in Video Production

Thursday Tips: Using Audio in Video Production

Audio can make or break a video. Listen to this video as we show you the difference between three different audio sources.


Audio can make or break a video. You don’t want to have to listen intently to the person’s words. The story should come naturally. And that’s why using an external microphone is so important.

For instance, right now I have on this Lavalier mic. And listen to it when I take it off. Now, the audio is only being picked up by the camera microphone, and you can hear I’m not as crisp. You hear a little bit of the air conditioning on behind me. And it just sounds more echoey and hollow.

But sometimes, people don’t like the look of a Lav microphone on their clothing. And in that case, you want to use a boom microphone, like this one. But the key to a boom microphone is placing it in the right position.

Right now, it’s great, but listen to what happens as the microphone moves away from me. You can tell the audio is not as crisp or clean. And now, it starts to sound like the camera microphone. Audio is key on any video shoot. Make sure you’re always monitoring it.