
Thursday Tips: Video Tours

Thursday Tips: Video Tours

A video tour of your business or school is a great marketing tool that helps your viewers get familiar with the space before they even walk through the door. A tour video in your social media posts or on your website can attract potential customers and clients and set you apart from others in your field. Have questions about getting a tour video at your place of business? Give us a call at: 832-299-4955.


We want to introduce you to the types of videos that you can produce for your company. And this week’s feature starts with a conversation I had with a friend about her dentist’s office. She was trying to get her friends to come to it because she loved the atmosphere but didn’t know how to describe it. I told her that’s the perfect opportunity for that office to create a video tour.

Some people are anxious going to a new setting. A video tour lets viewers get familiar with the space before they even walk in the door, whether you’re a school, a hospital, an office or a facility, a video tour starts the relationship with your student, patient or client before they even walk in the door. And tour videos come in all shapes and sizes, from personalized to narrative, to video and graphics only. If you want to have people get familiar with your practice company or school, start with a video tour.

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