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Thursday Tips: Who Should Be in Your Video?

Thursday Tips: Who Should Be in Your Video?

If you’re planning to make a video for your business or event, there are some important factors to consider when selecting the individuals who will be featured in it.



Before you create a video for your event, you want to think through the rundown of your event. Who’s going to be in the room? Who’s going to be speaking? And how you can create a video to make an impact- to bring a story to life in the room?

When we start working with companies and organizations about the video they’re going to show at their event, they often say, we want to include this executive, this board member, this CEO because they want to spotlight them and showcase them. But if all of those people are already going to be at your event, they can speak from the stage. You want to create a video that shows something and tells a story that they can’t see at your event. The executives can introduce the video. They can even speak after the video runs. So think through the show logistics. Think about, what can you tell them that they can’t find out at your events? And use that as your story line for your next video.