Video Tips and Blog

We Are Telly Winners!

We Are Telly Winners!

We won 4 Silver Tellys and 3 Bronze Tellys!  The Telly Awards honors excellence in video and television across all…

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Thursday Tips: We Want to Hear From You

Thursday Tips: We Want to Hear From You

Each week, we have shared valuable tips and tricks to help you feel more comfortable in front of the…

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AMA Houston Named Heather Sasser the Peggy Fitch Volunteer of the Year

AMA Houston Named Heather Sasser the Peggy Fitch Volunteer of the Year

At the 2023 American Marketing Association Houston Crystal Awards, our President & Co-Founder Heather Sasser was named the Peggy…

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VideoEnvy Wins at AMA Houston’s Crystal Awards 2023

VideoEnvy Wins at AMA Houston’s Crystal Awards 2023

The VideoEnvy team won a Crystal Award from the American Marketing Association Houston for our Thursday Tips video series…

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Thursday Tips: Shot Composition

Thursday Tips: Shot Composition

In this Thursday Tips video, you’ll learn about how certain shot composition and framing choices not only add depth…

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Thursday Tips: Who Should Be in Your Video?

Thursday Tips: Who Should Be in Your Video?

If you’re planning to make a video for your business or event, there are some important factors to consider…

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Thursday Tips: Call to Action

Thursday Tips: Call to Action

Watch how you can create more engagement for your brand or organization by using calls to action in your…

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Thursday Tips: Show Off What You Do

Thursday Tips: Show Off What You Do

For today’s video tips, Heather Sasser demonstrates ways to make your company’s story more engaging by turning it into…

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BlogEnvy: Product Education Videos

BlogEnvy: Product Education Videos

Video can be a powerful tool in helping you reach your goals, whether that be educating your audience or…

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Thursday Tips: Get More Views with Custom Video Cover Art

Thursday Tips: Get More Views with Custom Video Cover Art

If you‘re looking to get more views for your online video, add a custom thumbnail to it. Creating a…

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Thursday Tips: Using Video for Internal Communications

Thursday Tips: Using Video for Internal Communications

If your company hasn’t invested in video yet, it’s time to get creative with the medium. Here’s how you…

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Thursday Tips: How To Use Camera Angles

Thursday Tips: How To Use Camera Angles

What kind of camera angles should you use for your next video? Watch as we cover the basics you…

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Thursday Tips: Making Videos for Different Languages

Thursday Tips: Making Videos for Different Languages

If your company is in the process of creating videos for a different language or you are looking to…

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Thursday Tips: Shooting Vertical vs. Horizontal Video

Thursday Tips: Shooting Vertical vs. Horizontal Video

In this week’s Thursday Tips, we take a look at when you should shoot horizontally vs. vertically, and how…

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Thursday Tips: 5 Ideas for Video Content

Thursday Tips: 5 Ideas for Video Content

We know that coming up with video content ideas can be hard. Instead of trying to come up with…

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Thursday Tips: Shooting Video for Sports Events

Thursday Tips: Shooting Video for Sports Events

Sports videography can be a challenge and there’s a lot to consider before getting started. Take a look at…

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Thursday Tips: Location Scouting – Sound

Thursday Tips: Location Scouting – Sound

When you’re scouting a location for your next video shoot, there’s an easy (and inexpensive) trick that can make…

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Thursday Tips: Backlit Window Shots

Thursday Tips: Backlit Window Shots

Location scouting can be a tricky thing to do, especially when you’re going for a “perfect” shot. Having the…

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Thursday Tips: Steps for Creating Great Video Content

Thursday Tips: Steps for Creating Great Video Content

What makes your company’s content stand out? Creating impactful content that engages your audience and gets a positive reaction…

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Thursday Tips: Using a Video Slider

Thursday Tips: Using a Video Slider

In today’s #ThursdayTips, Heather Sasser talks about a piece of video equipment that can create polished and professional videos…

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Thursday Tips: Using a Teleprompter

Thursday Tips: Using a Teleprompter

If you have ever thought about using a teleprompter for your next video, there are a few things to…

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Thursday Tips: Shooting on a White Background

Thursday Tips: Shooting on a White Background

In this video, we’ll look at how shooting on a white background has multiple benefits and is a great…

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Thursday Tips: Event Videos

Thursday Tips: Event Videos

Capturing event footage is a very important aspect of video marketing. Conferences are the perfect opportunity to gather valuable…

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Thursday Tips: Scripts For Your Videos

Thursday Tips: Scripts For Your Videos

When you’re creating a video to promote your business, it still needs to be genuine and informative. When you…

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Thursday Tips: The Importance of Music in Your Video

Thursday Tips: The Importance of Music in Your Video

Music is a powerful tool that can help set the tone for your videos. Whether you’re working on a…

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Thursday Tips: Types of Shots

Thursday Tips: Types of Shots

When filming your next video, think about the camera shots and angles that will best tell your story and…

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Thursday Tips: Video Tours

Thursday Tips: Video Tours

A video tour of your business or school is a great marketing tool that helps your viewers get familiar…

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Thursday Tips: Pre-Production Checklist

Thursday Tips: Pre-Production Checklist

For a successful video shoot, you first need to make a plan. This critical first step is known as…

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Thursday Tips: Selecting Your Video Vendor

Thursday Tips: Selecting Your Video Vendor

Find out why choosing your next video vendor should be more about skillset vs industry experience. Transcript: …

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Thursday Tips: How to Prepare for Your Video Interview

Thursday Tips: How to Prepare for Your Video Interview

If your company is planning a video that will include on-camera interviews, we have a few tips to help…

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Thursday Tips: Nat Sound

Thursday Tips: Nat Sound

Today’s Thursday Tip covers Nat Sound. That’s short for natural sound and it’s what can make an emotional connection…

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Thursday Tips: How to Use Lighting in Your Videos

Thursday Tips: How to Use Lighting in Your Videos

Lighting can make a big difference in your videos. We show you in this quick Thursday Tips video. Transcript:…

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Thursday Tips: iPhone vs Professional Camera

Thursday Tips: iPhone vs Professional Camera

With the advances in smartphone technology, more people are using their phones to shoot video. Watch how the VideoEnvy…

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Thursday Tips: Why Use Two Cameras?

Thursday Tips: Why Use Two Cameras?

For this Thursday Tip video, we’ll show you why using two cameras for an interview video are better than…

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Thursday Tips: Using Audio in Video Production

Thursday Tips: Using Audio in Video Production

Audio can make or break a video. Listen to this video as we show you the difference between three…

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Thursday Tips: Equipment & Set-up

Thursday Tips: Equipment & Set-up

Ever wonder how long it takes to set up for a video shoot? In this Thursday Tip video, Heather…

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Thursday Tips: The Difference in Camera Lenses

Thursday Tips: The Difference in Camera Lenses

In this Thursday Tip video, Heather Sasser talks about the differences in camera lenses and what kind of look…

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Videos Generate Leads

Videos Generate Leads

Video is a powerful marketing tool, especially in the digital age. And if you aren’t using video to generate…

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Videos Help Clients Understand Products and Services

Videos Help Clients Understand Products and Services

Videos are a great way to deliver valuable information about your company’s products or services. They also help clients…

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Grow Your Brand with More Videos

Grow Your Brand with More Videos

Statistics prove that video is the most engaging form of content and provides the opportunity to engage with customers…

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How to go Viral

How to go Viral

With social media being at the forefront of any successful business, how do you make a viral video post?…

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Why Nat Sound is Important

Why Nat Sound is Important

It’s almost instinct for a videographer and editor to think of lighting, color, and music since they are all…

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What is the Telly Awards?

What is the Telly Awards?

Did you know we’re an 8-time Telly winning video production company on par with other winning corporations like HBO,…

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Using Clients in Your Marketing Videos

Using Clients in Your Marketing Videos

  Using clients in your marketing videos isn’t a new concept. Whether it’s video reviews or testimonials, companies often…

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Four Types of Stories and When to Use Them

Four Types of Stories and When to Use Them

Stories are an innate part of what it means to be human. Stories are at the core of our…

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How to Make a Professional Video – The Making of Our KMP Videos

How to Make a Professional Video – The Making of Our KMP Videos

VideoEnvy has spent a decade partnering with Houston nonprofits as well as big-name educational and medical organizations that make…

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Scheduling Social Media Posts

Scheduling Social Media Posts

Scheduling social media posts can give you a big boost against your competitors by having consistency in your digital…

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Why these 5 Types of Videos Work for Every Business

Why these 5 Types of Videos Work for Every Business

When you’re ready for your next video, start with this list of 5 types of videos that work for…

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Behind-the-Scenes Content

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Why You Should Add Behind-the-Scenes Content to Your Social Media Social media has completely changed the way businesses interact…

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Video Marketing in Social Media

Video Marketing in Social Media

Instagram’s recent announcement that it will be changing to becoming primarily a video platform has cemented the social media…

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